Sunday, June 04, 2006


Divine Soul

Jai Shri Krishna

Man in the present times is unhappy because his thinking is wrong. He believes things to be true which in reality are untrue. He has forgotten the Truth. He runs behind falsehood not knowing where to go. He is running blindly without knowing what his destination is. His journey in life lacks planning. Like the bull in the oil mill man keeps running round and round in circles reaching nowhere.

People strive in vain during their entire lifetime chasing shadows and in the end the result that stares them in their face is a big zero. If one does not remain in touch with saints and holy people one will not attain spiritual awakening even in the twilight of one's life. One will attain awakening solely with the help of spiritual scriptures. Whatever wealth one earns through one's hard work is of no use after death. Of what use is such wealth? It does not tag along with us but remains behind. These days it remains locked up in banks.

One should earn money through ethical means. A tenth of such ethically earned money should be given away in charity. Only then your earnings get purified. The wealth that you earn ethically should be utilized besides yourself on religious and socially beneficial activities. Use it for the overall development and betterment of society. Convert your wealth into means to promote spiritual progress. Material wealth does not accompany us after our death but spiritual progress achieved with the help of material wealth remains with us even at the time of our death and carries on from life after life.

Par hit saris dharma nahin bhai, Par pidaa sam nahin adhamai.

- (Uttarakand 40/1, Ramcharit Manas)

Par hit bas jinha ke man mahin, Tinha kahun jag durlabh kachhu nahin.

- (Aranyakand 30/5, Ramcharit Manas)

There is no greater deed than working for another's benefit and there is no greater sin than causing pain to others. Some people suddenly become rich amassing wealth or attaining power. Their character however does not grow commensurate with their material progress. Their minds remain small and shallow. By adopting spiritual values in life we enrich our character. Spiritual growth should not be only a matter of discussions and precept, it should be put into practice. Scriptures have described aacharan putting into practice our action as the true test of our spirituality. It improves our life in this world as well as the next. Dharma is not a matter of discussion or debate. It has to be put into practice. Nothing is impossible for him who has worked for another's benefit. Everything is attainable for such a person in this world. For him Bhakti, Devotion, Bhukti, enjoyments and God, everything is easily attainable.

Adi Jagadguru Shankaracharyaji says that three things in life are difficult or impossible to achieve. Human birth, thirst for knowledge and company of the saints and holy people. To take birth as a human is very rare. But what is the use of human birth if the humane qualities are missing from our life? There are billions of human beings but humane qualities are rare. What use is salt if it does not taste salty or sugar if it does not taste sweet?

Without the guidance of saints and holy people we cannot get knowledge and without knowledge we can't attain liberation. Liberation is the fruit of knowledge. However man lives a mundane life and carrying the burden of living like the bulls in the oil mill. Get up, wake up and live a life of value and integrity.

With Blessings,


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