Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Divine Soul
Jai Shri Krishna
Throughout our life we work and put in effort and sometimes yet cannot succeed. That is because we do not know in what direction our efforts should be directed. All our efforts aim at removing darkness, therefore we cannot succeed. If we had put a little effort for lighting the lamp, the problem would have been solved. This also applies to the effort we make for escaping from lust. According to the law of reverse effect the more you try to save yourself from it the more you will be bound by it.
A saadhak, spiritual endeavourer went to Raman Maharshi and asked: "Maharshiji! I want to be thoughtless; what do I do? Maharshiji replied, "Your beginning itself is wrong. Because wanting to become thoughtless is by itself a thought. You have begun your journey with a thought." So, leave this thought. Because, every effort of saving yourself from lust will continue to bind you in the bondage of lust. Understand this fundamental truth of life very clearly. Saadhana does not mean destroying lust. We have a word called "Upasana" meaning being in proximity of God. 'Upa' means in front of or in presence of. Hence Upasana means to sit before God. The moment Upasana occurs, the lust gets destroyed. The nearer you get to God the Upasana intensifies and the lust is sure to be diminished. The moment a lamp is lit we need not request the darkness with folded hands, "Please go away". The moment the lamp is lit, the darkness gets automatically removed.
Hari katha facilitates love for God. And as the love for God increases we get more and more detached from worldly pleasures. The night does not need to be told to go away. As soon as the Sun rises the night vanishes.
May we turn towards God, may we become directed towards Narayan.
Sanmukh hohi jeev mohi jabahin, Janma hohi adha naasahin tabahin.
We first have to become God directed. Turn yourself away from darkness. Turn towards the Lord. Begin the journey. And move confidently, why do you doubt? This lamp has already been handed over to you.
With Blessings,
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