Thursday, June 08, 2006


Nostradamus is Online

Its a Paid Site Click ro Read Sample Chapter

In May 2004, members of the Italian National Library in Rome made an amazing discovery. Buried in their archives was an unknown manuscript by the famed prophet Michel Notredame, or Nostradamus (1503-1566). This manuscript was handed down to the prophet's son and later donated by him to Pope Urban VIII. It did not surface again until now, almost four hundred years later.
Due to the pressure and scrutiny of the Inquisition, he was forced to scramble both the meaning and the order of his quatrains. He made sure humanity would not be able to use them until we had become sophisticated enough to decode them. That time has finally arrived.
Using cutting-edge data mining techniques, Dr. Michael Rathford sifted this complex word puzzle searching for significant patterns and relationships. Almost immediately, he came up with the predictive model known as The Nostradamus Code.
When the prophecies-within-prophecies are deciphered, the hidden timeline of World War III is revealed. You will read about Osama Bin Laden, the next major terrorist attack on the US, war with Iran, the nuclear destruction of Rome, a confrontation between the US and China/Russia, and great detail on the timing and the course of World War III.

From The Author

"I'm afraid the making of World War III is actually taking place in front of our eyes." Prince Hassan of Jordan - March 26, 2004
Drawing on newly discovered Nostradamus manuscripts, a startling new view of the world is revealed. If you agree that signs like terrorist attacks, volatile Middle East, and a growing China could lead to WWIII - then you will find this book truly eye-opening.
With a total of eight chapters, The Nostradamus Code: World War III opens with an overview of the bewildering events currently unfolding on the world stage. You will find out why they are happening, and what you can do about them to protect yourself.
Next, the years 2006 through 2012 are explained in precise detail. Referred to by Nostradamus as the Time of Troubles, you will read hundreds of startling revelations regarding this era. The Time of Troubles is full of war, despair, and evil, but also of hope and promise. Use this book to enlighten yourself, your loved ones, your world, and your future.

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