Saturday, July 01, 2006


Divine Soul

Jai Shri Krishna

When God created this world, everyone had needs they wanted fulfilled. Everyone needs something or the other; longevity, wealth, money. God called everyone and gave the assurance that each one will get what he or she needs. God is very large hearted; He gave everyone whatever they asked for. But while giving away these things, one object fell down. God immediately covered it up with his feet. No one noticed that God had hidden something under his feet.

Goddess Lakshmiji was pleased to see God fulfilling everyone's needs. She also observed that God had hidden one object under his feet. When everyone went away she said, "Today I have seen your large heartedness; and I have also seen your deceit and miserliness. I saw that you hid something under your feet. What is it? Show it to me."

Hearing this God smiled and said, "It is that for which everyone will have to come to me. If I would have given away everything then man would have been left with no reason to come to me.

" Lakshmiji said: "But what is it? At least tell me!"

God lifted his feet up. That object was peace.

God said:" Look! In order to get peace man will have to come to me."

It is for this very reason that even when man has everything given to him by God; he has to seek refuge at the feet of God in order to attain peace.

Hence in spite of having everything people often complain saying we do not have peace. God has hidden this peace under his feet. 'Surrender' is the core of Gita's teachings. Concluding the Gita, God has said,

"Sarvadharmaanparityajya maamekam sharanam vraja,

Aham tvaa sarva paapebhyo mokshayishyami maa shuchah.

i.e. Renouncing all your dharmas (of the body, mind and soul) take refuge in Me alone. I will liberate you from all sins; grieve not.

With Blessings,



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